
PEDro-P Scale & RoBiNT Scale

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EndNote Filter

You can use the Export button above your selected search results to directly import references into EndNote or other reference managers using a RIS import filter. Alternatively, you can download the PsycBITE EndNote filter and use the steps below. The EndNote filter (and output style) retains the original 'PsycBITE' name at this time.

The PsycBITE EndNote filter can be used to import records downloaded from the NeuroBITE database into an EndNote library. This filter is developed for EndNote XI. After downloading the PsycBITE EndNote filter (_PsycBITE.enf), save it in the "Filters" directory for the EndNote software on your computer (usually C:\Program Files\EndNoteX\Filters).

Instructions for importing NeuroBITE search results into EndNote

Download uncompressed .enf file (PC/MAC) Feel free to contact us if you are having problems downloading references.

EndNote Output Style

The PsycBITE EndNote output style can be used to display records downloaded from the NeuroBITE database, including NeuroBITE specific fields like method and rating score, in an EndNote library. This output style is developed for EndNote XI. After downloading the PsycBITE EndNote output style (_PsycBITE_Output_Style.ens), save it in the "Styles" directory for the EndNote software on your computer (usually C:\Program Files\EndNoteX\Styles).

Instructions for displaying NeuroBITE search results in EndNote with the PsycBITE output style